Thumb Nail Pictures for Looking Good0.png

Have you noticed that not everyone in a video conference call (Zoom meeting) looks the same? One person is dark, another you just see the top of their head, and another is looking like she’s watching tv just to the side of the screen. I’m going to give you some helpful tips for you to look your best during a Zoom meeting.

Know where the camera on your computer/phone is.

Most computer cameras are in the top middle of your screen and most phone cameras are at the top of the phone in the area near the ear piece. Once you know where the camera is, try to look at the camera and not at your image or other people on your screen. You should also have the camera at eye level. When your laptop is on the desk the camera is usually looking up at you. You should always raise your laptop camera to match your eye level so you are looking straight into the camera. You never want to look like you are talking down to someone and you also don’t want to feel like someone is talking down to you. Looking straight into the camera gives the appearance of talking, in person, straight into someone’s eyes.

Be aware of headroom.

Once you have the eye line right, make sure you have the right amount of headroom. Headroom is the amount of space between the top of your head and the top of the screen. Too much headroom and you are looking at the top of someone’s head, too little and it feels like your head is sticking through the top of the computer. Open your computer screen to where you are looking at yourself through your computer’s camera and place two fingers above your head. That is about the right amount of headroom you should have. Place your computer so that the camera is seeing you from your chest up.

Be aware of the space behind you.

Try to find an area in your home/office that will give you a backdrop for you in your meeting. Make sure the area behind you is interesting but not cluttered. Always be aware of your surrounding because what ever is around you will be seen in your meeting. Do not have your back close to the wall behind you. Give yourself some distance behind you so that there is depth to your image. A good distance, if possible, is around three to four feet from the wall behind you.

Be aware of your light source.

Make sure that you have light on your face coming from behind the computer/phone. Never set your computer up where there is a bright light source behind you. It might seem like a good idea to arrange yourself in front of a window so that your beautiful backyard is highlighted behind you - but unless you have a lot of light on your face coming from behind your computer to counter the light from the window you will end up being a black blob in front of a bright light.

Use the horizontal mode on your phone.

Always use your phone in the horizontal position when you are on a video conference call. When you phone is vertical everyone in your meeting will see huge black bars on either side of you. Your image will always look better using all of the screen not just the middle third.

Sound is important.

Make sure you sit around 12-18” away from the microphone. If you are too far away your voice will be too soft. If you are to close it might be muffled. Be aware of common noise in the area you will be using for your meeting. Is the washing machine or dryer making a noise? Is the heater that you never hear anymore so loud that you will have to yell? Take note of your surroundings and always speak clearly so that others can hear you.

Be aware of your appearance.

Before your meeting take one last look at yourself in the mirror (or with your computer/phone) and if you are a bit shiny dry your face with a towel or put on a little makeup base so that you won’t look like you’re nervous and sweating.

Now smile and go into that meeting with confidence knowing you are going to look your best.

Here is a video that I produced that gives visual examples of some of these tips.

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